Nonprofit Organization · Social Services

Foster Family Agency
As a licensed Resource Family Agency (Foster Family Agency) (RFA License #370603102), Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) helps parents of youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities manage difficult challenges and obtain the relief and support they need.
Resource Families are available for youth (the period between childhood and adult age) with special needs who are unable to remain with their family of origin. Can you provide a caring home to foster youth with special needs in the San Diego area? We have youth waiting for a caring home. These youth have a variety of needs, but all require families concerned with their overall well being. Some placements are temporary, while others could lead to adoption and family for life. If you are interesting in becoming a TMI Resource Family, please contact Norma Durazo at (619) 209-9750 or Please submit this form to get started or visit our Become a Resource Family page for additional details and requirements.
Our Resource Family program includes, but is not limited to:
Comprehensive orientation to new Resource Families followed by extensive ongoing training to fulfill annual requirements
Pro-Act certification
Resource Parent support group meetings
Ongoing certification of resource family homes per Community Care Licensing and Regional Center requirements
Placement of youth with Resource Families chosen to best meet the needs of youth
Respite (out-of-home) provided by our Resource Families to Regional Center clients
Facilitation of shared parenting relationships and communication between parents of origin and Resource Parents
Social work support to Resource Families and families of origin
Assistance to resource parents at medical and psychiatric appointments
Intensive supports by master level social workers
Behavioral support provided by a licensed clinician (when appropriate)
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Children thrive when they feel safe, secure and loved. This is the drive behind our belief that “all children belong in families!”