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TMI's Tailored Day Services Client, Marcela, Has Her Sights Set on Working at Pixar

Updated: May 14, 2019

Marcela first started painting at the age of two and has been creating art ever since. She dreams of working for Disney Pixar one day! A client with the Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) Tailored Day Services (TDS) program in El Centro, Marcela’s TMI Facilitator Faviana Pelayo recognized her talents and signed her up for an art show in the Imperial Valley sponsored by Odds and Ends Creative Studio.

Marcela with her TMI Facilitator Faviana at the art show

(Marcela with her TMI Facilitator Faviana at the art show)

“Marcela is extremely passionate about her art,” said TMI Division Manager Aurora Chavez. “Pixar inspires her to want to learn more about art. She wants to one day work for Disney creating animation in 3-D.”

Marcela is currently receiving TMI support services and attending Imperial Valley College with Faviana. Faviana assists her with learning how to study and excel in her courses. Marcela is currently getting all A’s in her classes! She is very driven and dreams of moving closer to Los Angeles one day in hope of being one step closer to obtaining employment with Pixar.

Marcela's art work

TMI’s TDS program offers one-to-one support to our clients to help them achieve their hopes and dreams. The program allows our clients to choose and customize day services to meet their individual needs. TMI is dedicated to transforming the lives of the clients we serve and an innovative program like TDS helps us work with our clients, like Marcela, to assist them with staying on course in order to be successful in their area of focus.

Marcela's art work

You are doing incredible work Marcela! We would love to see your dream of working at Pixar come true!


Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has been transforming the lives of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1981 and the deaf and hard of hearing since 2000. Like all of us, our clients are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. TMI strives to help our clients to realize their hopes and dreams by providing Employment Solutions, Community Living Services and Family Support Services throughout San Diego, Riverside and Imperial Counties.

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