It was with great sadness that Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) said goodbye to our Supported Living client, Everett, on March 16, 2018 at the age of 92. TMI had the pleasure of providing services to Everett for 30 years.
“Everett was a very charming gentleman who was clearly adored by his staff,” said TMI Executive Director Rachel Harris.
Everett lived in a developmental center before joining TMI and receiving services in his own home. It was important to Everett’s family that he didn’t pass away in a hospital. They were extremely grateful for the arrangements and care TMI provided to Everett over the years, particularly at the end of his life.
“TMI gave Everett the life his mom hoped he would have before she passed away,” said Everett’s niece.
TMI relief Facilitator Simone Ferber provided support to Everett through her various roles with TMI for 25 years. TMI Community Living Services Case Manager Monika Driscoll oversaw Everett’s services for more than 12 years and was close with him until the end. Everett’s Facilitator, Rosalind Manuels, and Monika prepared a memory board of photos of Everett for his family.

(Everett's memory board along with his favorite cowboy hat)
"It was a pleasure and an honor knowing and supporting Everett these last 12.5 years and to assist him to be able to live his final days at home, where he wanted to be,” said Monika Driscoll.
To celebrate Everett’s 90th birthday, Rosalind drove him to Chico, CA to visit his younger sister and his only remaining sibling, Dorothy. Rosalind said that the experience of being able to take Everett to see his sister, “truly blessed her heart." Everett and Dorothy were very happy and grateful to be able to spend time together. It was their last visit together since traveling had become very difficult for them both.

(Everett with his sister Dorothy)
Farewell, Everett. You left an imprint on the hearts of many and will be greatly missed!
An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability. Just like you, they are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. Since 1981 Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has transformed thousands of lives by providing assistance to children and adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, giving them the ability to realize their hopes and dreams. Please visit tmi-inc.org for more information on our programs.