Sherie, a Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) Temecula Integrated Work client, has many dreams. Among them is that she would like to start her own business by making crafts out of simple materials or whatever she has available at home. Sherie has struggled with insecurities over the years even though she is an amazing artist and excels at the 10 work sites she visits with her group each week. Her Job Coach, Maria Luisa Provido, has been working with her just two months, but has witnessed Sherie’s drive to be successful. With encouragement from Maria she is starting to believe in herself. Sherie has been making art since 2014. She feels she is able to express herself through her crafts and drawings. When it was announced at a TMI advocacy meeting that we would have a holiday boutique featuring crafts made by our clients, Sherie was thrilled.
“I got inspired when it was announced that there would be a boutique. I can show my talents to everyone and be an inspiration to them. I hope that other clients will also show their abilities that they could share to all,” said Sherie.
Sherie also dreams of living on her someday soon. With her new gained confidence and support from TMI, she is on the road to fulfilling two of her dreams. Beautiful artwork, Sherie. We look forward to seeing more!
Congratulations to all of our clients who participated...nicely done!
An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability. Just like you, they are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. Since 1981 Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has transformed thousands of lives by providing assistance to children and adults with developmental disabilities, giving them the ability to realize their hopes and dreams.