Being a community based program, it requires you to rely heavily on the community in which you operate. At the Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) Temecula office we are lucky to have a very supportive and inclusive community, which has a huge variety of businesses, shops, parks, churches, and city buildings to use as work sites and training environments for our clients. While we are grateful for all of the sites that we visit, we would like to give special acknowledgement to one that in the recent years has played a vital role in the success of our program.

The Bridge Church in Murrieta, under guidance from Pastors Gary and Anne, has been a relationship that TMI truly appreciates. The Bridge is an amazing venue, currently supporting three of our Integrated Work program groups, supplying them with various tasks that give the clients experience for any job they might encounter in their future. The groups arrive at their site, check in with their “supervisor”, most often Youth Pastor Jeremy, and then he puts them to work.
The site has so many divisions for the groups to work in; Kid Connection with arts and crafts to prepare, cutting, sorting, supply checks, cleaning of toys; Community Care has a community closet, and food pantry for the clients to learn different types of sorting and organizing, hanging and folding clothes; general office work including making copies, filing, stuffing envelopes, and laminating; and not to mention moving tables and chairs, cleaning windows, painting, carpet cleaning, set production for the Maintenance Department. Everything gets covered at this one venue, it really is the complete training grounds.
As if a site for job skills and training weren’t enough, The Bridge’s contribution goes way beyond that. They also offer up meeting rooms, conference halls, kitchens, any type of audio/video equipment, for us to conduct advocacy meetings, have group gatherings, and even holiday celebrations. It is always a welcoming place that allows for our size as we grow, and to help us in whatever way they can.
The Bridge Church really is a remarkable place. And with everything that has already been said, there is still more… the thing that makes The Bridge even more amazing, is the truly inclusive environment that they provide. When the groups show up they are always greeted with a smile, and recognized for their efforts. Praise is around every corner, from other volunteers working alongside our clients, all the way up to the Head Pastors, everyone acknowledges and lets them know how appreciated they are. It is a relationship that we are lucky to have, and there aren’t enough words to say how much we appreciate them, but as much as we can, we THANK The Bridge for what they provide to TMI.
Thank you to Temecula IW Division Manger, Eric Marty, for this submission. Nicely done!
An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability. Just like you, they are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. Since 1981 Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has transformed thousands of lives by providing assistance to children and adults with developmental disabilities, giving them the ability to realize their hopes and dreams.