After being with another agency for several years, in January 2016 Monique was referred to the Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) Independent Living program by San Diego Regional Center. Monique was living in a group home and her 10 year old daughter had been taken away from her by social services. Monique dreamed of having a place of her own so that she could have her daughter live with her again. TMI Case Manager Keltoum Cherki set out to make Monique’s dreams come true!
With TMI's help, Monique was able to find an apartment of her own. TMI staff donated furniture and kitchen supplies to help her get on her feet. With the assistance of her TMI support team, Monique is paying her bills on time and they are ensuring she is following court orders in hopes of having her daughter returned to her this summer. Monique’s life is turning around and her dreams are becoming a reality. She can’t wait to learn if her daughter can be returned to her full time. We will be rooting for you and your daughter, Monique!
An estimated 1 in 6 people are born with a developmental disability. Just like you, they are born with hopes, dreams and the drive to contribute to society. Since 1981 Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has transformed thousands of lives by providing assistance to children and adults with developmental disabilities, giving them the ability to realize their hopes and dreams.