Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Updates and Resources
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is responding to an outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus (COVID-19). The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has directed regional centers serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to ensure that certain individuals remain at home rather than attend day services outside the home.
According to the latest California Department of Health guidance, the following individuals are at a higher risk for serious illness:
Older adults;
Individuals with serious chronic medical conditions – such as heart disease, diabetes, and lung disease; or
Individuals with compromised immune systems
State Council on Developmental Disabilities Vaccine Information
Department of Developmental Services COVID-19 and Vaccine Information
California Department of Public Health COVID-19 Tracking; maintains a Resource List
Your Questions and Our Answers About The COVID-19 Vaccine For Direct Support Professionals
California Department of Social Services - Community Care Licensing Resources: Provides information and guidelines for residential facilities and day programs.
California Employment Development Department: Provides employment-related resources for those impacted or potentially impacted by COVID-19.
The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. Please be diligent in your effort to help the virus from spreading. We will continue to post updates as they become available.
Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) has worked effectively and collaboratively during the pandemic. All of our programs are now open with precautions. Certain individuals based on Interdisciplinary Team meetings are attending day services. As we continue to conduct business, TMI believes a controlled and communicated protocol that considers the health and safety of employees is prudent.
The details of the TMI Essential Business Protocol (EBP) are in accordance with state and local guidelines for a safe work environment. It should be noted that this document might not cover all circumstances that employees may encounter, and employees are encouraged to seek guidance from the Executive Director, Associate Executive Director, Program Directors, or the Human Resources Department, regarding questions or concerns as they arise.
If you have questions or need assistance, please call (800) 877-5452 or email