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Nonprofit Organization · Social Services
Day Program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities
Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) provides the support necessary to enable individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to participate fully in community life. The agency is based on a belief that no person should have to work in a setting which is segregated due to the nature or severity of their disability. It is the mission of TMI’s Employment Solutions program to improve the quality of life of people with IDD. This can be accomplished through the provision of an individually determined level of support enabling our clients to work in real jobs while enjoying fulfilling and natural relationships with people other than paid providers of support services.
The Community Integration Training Program (CITP) is designed as a vocational and social skills training program to recognize, develop and build the necessary skills for our clients to participate in their community, all at the level at which the client chooses. Clients generally start the process by volunteering throughout the community at various sites. They continue at their own speed, in line with their desires and abilities, while working toward their own personal goals.
The goal of the CITP is to offer all available resources for community integration and includes, but is not limited to, improvement in self-help, socialization, job acquisition and/or retention, and learning adaptive skills.
Our experience has led us to clarify our values relative to important considerations such as personal choice, as well as balancing risk and opportunity.
CITP is designed to immerse an individual into the community in which they live. Services are generally Monday-Friday, 4-6 hours per day with exceptions. It is a 100% community-based group environment, designed at a 3 to 1, client to Job Coach ratio.
Through the use of a Personal Support Plan (PSP), the CITP focuses on enabling clients to attain and maintain their maximum ability and integration within the community. The PSP will be collaborated upon across all levels of the client's support team, will be client led and can include input from the client’s family, TMI Job Coach and Manager, Regional Center Case Manager, therapists, or any other member(s) of the community.
Training and support are provided in a community setting, consisting of small businesses, nonprofit organizations, churches, schools, animal shelters, or any location with the opportunity to hone skills and work on client goals. Individualized adaptations will be developed if needed to ensure maximum performance.
CITP services can include:
Vocational training
Social skills development
Educational or job exploration
Community safety & emergency preparedness
Mobility training
Development of natural supports
If you are interested in community-based, person-centered services with individual supports to assist and enrich your life, please contact us to get started. We look forward to hearing from you!
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