Nonprofit Organization · Social Services

Be a Foster Parent
As a licensed Resource Family Agency (Foster Family Agency) (RFA License #370603102), Toward Maximum Independence (TMI) believes all youth (the period between childhood and adult age) belong in families. We strive to find Resource Families for youth with special needs in San Diego who are unable to remain with their family of origin. Youth thrive when they feel safe, secure and loved. It is our goal to recruit Resource Families who can offer these comforts that should be afforded to all youth. We have youth waiting for a caring home. These youth have a variety of needs, but all require families concerned with their overall well being. Some placements are temporary, while others could lead to adoption and family for life.
Potential Resource Families attend a TMI Resource Parent Orientation and Training to determine if our program would be a good fit for you and your family, as well as best meet the needs of the youth we serve. Once you are accepted as a TMI Resource Family and a match is made with a youth, Resource Families receive the following:
Competitive monthly financial and respite stipends
Comprehensive orientation and extensive ongoing training to fulfill annual training requirements
Pro-Act certification
Resource Parent support group meetings
24/7 emergency support
Facilitation of shared parenting relationships and communication between parents of origin and Resource Parents
Master level social work support
Assistance at medical and psychiatric appointments
Behavioral support provided by a licensed clinician (when appropriate)
The satisfaction of being a positive influence on a youth in need of care, love and a sense of belonging
While the State of California has a number of requirements for resource families, the following are initial TMI requirements:
Pass a Criminal Background Check
SAFE assessment including all family members residing in the potential Resource Family home
Have a regular source of income to support your own monthly expenses
Have at least one available bedroom
Have a car, valid car insurance & a clean DMV report
Have some flexibility in your schedule to accommodate the resource youth's court ordered visits, therapy, and medical appointments
Your home must pass a state required Home Safety Check
You must supervise youth, including teens, when they are not in school or in supervised activities
You may be single or married
You may own or rent your home or apartment
Please contact Norma Durazo at (619) 209-9750 or complete the form below to learn more about becoming a Resource / Foster Parent. You can make a lasting impact in a youth's life, as they will in yours. We thank you in advance for making a difference. We look forward to hearing from you!
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